Cats FIFe breed list
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Below is our A-Z list of cat breeds according to the FIFe (The Fédération Internationale Féline). FIFe is a non-profit making organisation and a leading international cat fancier society.
Please note: Many breed names differ from country to country, and are named according to four main cat associations. Click on the following links to view breed lists according to GCCF, TICA or CFA naming standards.
View all our Cat images. Or visit the Animal Photography Cat breed list home page.
FIFe – Cat breed lists
Exotic & Persian
Semi longhair
American Curl Longhair (ACL)
American Curl Shorthair (ACS)
Maine Coon (MCO)
Norwegian Forest Cat (NFO)
Ragdoll (RAG)
Sacred Birman (SBI)
Siberian (SIB)
Turkish Angora (TUA)
Turkish Van (TUV)
Shorthair & Somali
Abyssinian (ABY)
Bengal (BEN)
Burmilla (BML)
British (BRI)
Burmese (BUR)
Chartreux (CHA)
Cornish Rex (CRX)
Cymric (CYM)
Devon Rex (DRX)
European (EUR)
German Rex (GRX)
Japanese Bobtail (JBT)
Kurilean Bobtail Longhair (KBL)
Kurilean Bobtail Shorthair (KBS)
Korat (KOR)
Manx (MAN)
Egyptian Mau (MAU)
Ocicat (OCI)
Russian Blue (RUS)
Snowshoe (SNO)
Sokoke (SOK)
Somali (SOM)
Sphynx (SPH)
Oriental breeds
Balinese (BAL)
Oriental Longhair (OLH)
Oriental Shorthair (OSH)
Siamese (SIA)
Seychellois Longhair (SYL) sorry we do not have this breed yet
Seychellois Shorthair (SYS)
Preliminary recognised breeds
Don Sphynx (category III) (DSP)
Neva Masquerade (category II) (NEM) sorry we do not have this breed yet
Peterbald (category IV) (PEB)
House cats
Featured image

AP-02QDEG - Kitten sleeping on couch
Photo © Animal Photography, Anita Peeples
Previous featured images

AP-ENVERF - Oriental Cat
Photo © Animal Photography, Vidar Skauen

AP-0APZM8 - Egyptian Mau
Photo © Animal Photography, Tetsu Yamazaki

AP-0DUMJF - Singapura cat
Photo © Animal Photography, Helmi Flick

AP-TDCODX - Abyssinian kittens
Photo © Animal Photography, Alan Robinson
Lightbox ideas
Cutest kittens

AP-0MBM8I - British shorthair
Household cats

AP-4YEH8I - Household cat
Cats in black and white

AP-QMF36I - Siamese cat
Staff favourites

AP-0W2OV3 - Tabby cat
© Animal Photography, Sally Anne Thompson
New breed added

AP-1WIWDW - Toyger cat
© Animal Photography, Tetsu Yamazaki
New photographer

The fabulous Helmi Flick joins Animal Photography.
Top cat photographers
We represent many great cat photographers, here are just a few names that we represent:
Tetsu Yamazaki
Alan Robinson
Helmi Flick (profile coming soon)
Sally Anne Thompson
Cat associations
National cat associations
GCCF – Governing Council of the Cat Fancy
The GCCF is the primary governing body of the Cat Fancy in the United Kingdom, the feline equivalent of the Kennel Club.
Felis Britannica - UK member of FIFe
CAA – Cat Aficionado Association - PRC
International cat associations
CFA – Cat Fanciers Association
CFA recognises 41 pedigreed breeds for showing in the Championship Class, 1 breed as Provisional and 1 breed as Miscellaneous.
FIFe – Fédération Internationale Féline
TICA – The International Cat Association
TICA currently recognizes fifty-five breeds of cats for championship competition. In addition, the number of breeds can change as new breeds are developed.
ACFA - American Cat Fanciers Association
Originating in 1955, ACFA has grown to be one of the world’s largest cat organisations, and is self-proclaimed: "the Fairest, Friendliest and most Fun feline association".
Other associations
The World Cat Congress
The World Cat Congress was established to promote better understanding and co-operation among the world’s major cat associations, in matters of mutual interest and concern - such as cat legislation and feline welfare - which affects all cat lovers; from the pedigree breeder to the pet owner.