Picture of chocolate Labrador Retriever swimming with dummy
Picture of Labrador Retriever with dummy duck in water
Picture of Labrador Retriever retrieving from water
Picture of Smug Labrador holding large stick in his mouth in the garden
Picture of Labrador Retriever retrieving in water
Picture of labrador retrieving dummy and racing over hurdles at hickstead dog fair
Picture of black Labrador Retriever retrieving bird
Picture of black Labrador Retriever retrieving stick
Picture of young Labrador Retriever with ball
Picture of cream labrador retriever and black labrador retriever retrieving a stick together in a lake
Picture of labrador retriever puppy playing with ball
Picture of Labrador Retriever retrieving fake duck in water.
Picture of yellow labrador retrieving a cock pheasant from ploughed field on a driven shoot
Picture of black labrador retriever retrieving pheasant from a lake
Picture of yellow labrador retriever retrieving pheasant
Picture of black labrador retriever retrieving pheasant in a field
Picture of black labrador retriever retrieving quail in a field
Picture of black labrador retriever retrieving game in a field
Picture of black labrador retriever retrieving game in a forest
Picture of Retrieving Labrador
Picture of Chocolate Lab retrieving ball in water.
Picture of Pet Labrador retrieving a rope toy in long grass
Picture of black labrador retrieving dummy
Picture of black labrador retriever retrieving pheasant in a field
Picture of two Labrador Retrievers retrieving dummy
Picture of yellow labrador retriever jumping out of water with a toy in his mouth
Picture of black labrador retriever retrieving pheasant in a field
Picture of yellow labrador retrieving dummy
Picture of yellow labrador retriever playing with toy
Picture of black labrador retriever retrieving pheasant in a field
Picture of Pet Labrador retrieving a rope toy in long grass
Picture of black Labrador retriever playing with a frisbee
Picture of black labrador retriever retrieving pheasant and coming back to owner
Picture of black labrador retrieving dummy
Picture of labrador retriever carrying a dummy
Picture of Labrador Retriever retrieving duck
Picture of black labrador retriever retrieving pheasant in a field
Picture of black labrador retriever retrieving pheasant in a field
Picture of yellow labrador retriever playing with toy
Picture of black labrador retrieving dummy to owner
Picture of black labrador retriever retrieving quail in a field
Picture of black labrador retrieving dummy