Search results (720)

Picture of Old English Bulldog in snow
Picture of Golden Retriever standing on snow with toy in mouth.
Picture of Weimaraner in studio, with Christmas wreath around his neck.
Picture of wheaten Scottish Terrier sitting on snow during sunset.
Picture of Wheaten Cairn terrier running in snowy yard with owner in the background.
Picture of Close-up of Wheaten Cairn terrier front paws in snow, waiting for tennis ball to be thrown.
Picture of Two siberian huskies standing in a snow environment
Picture of black and white springer jumping in a snowy environment
Picture of black and tan mongrel dog jumping to catch frisbee in the air, snowy environment
Picture of two pyrenean mountain dogs in the mountains
Picture of drag hunting, horse and rider jumping hedge
Picture of noric trotting in snow at kitzbuhel
Picture of four arab mares standing in a field in winter
Picture of exmoor pony in winter walking on exmoor
Picture of indian blue peacock looking down
Picture of frost covered muzzle of bay Morgan mare in winter
Picture of Boxer running down path with stick
Picture of Boxer looking up at toy
Picture of Husky against blue sky
Picture of Husky laying in snow
Picture of Polish Lowland Sheepdog, (also known as Nizinny)
Picture of Suffolk Punch, snowy backs
Picture of Suffolk Punch front view
Picture of two Suffolk Punches caring for each other
Picture of Morgan Horse in winter
Picture of Morgan Horse in winter
Picture of letting Morgan Horse into field
Picture of Morgan horse profile
Picture of Morgan horse looking at camera
Picture of Maltese (on the right) with Cross bred dressed up for winter
Picture of Golden Retriever on sleigh
Picture of English Cocker Spaniel in profile
Picture of Australian Shepherd Dog with toy
Picture of Australian Shepherds play fighting in snow
Picture of siamese cat in a snowdrift
Picture of non pedigree cat in snow
Picture of non pedigree cat in winter
Picture of Samoyed dog playing in snow
Picture of Old English Bulldog in winter
Picture of Old English Bulldog in winter
Picture of Siberian Husky sitting on snow.
Picture of Closeup of wheaten Scottish Terrier puppy standing on snow.
Picture of Working labrador with pheasants (shot)
Picture of two Haflinger colts nuzzling for supremecy
Picture of side view of Haflinger colt trotting in the snow at Ebbs Austria
Picture of Haflinger colt on his knees taking a nip out of another in play fight
Picture of child giving hay to pony in winter
Picture of ski joring race at kitzbuhel austria
Picture of yakut pony in snow in enclosure
Picture of Boxer leaping down snow covered path
Picture of black galloway calf and cow in winter
Picture of seal point siamese cat walking in snow
Picture of Blue eyed Bernese Mountain Dog looking out over snowy field
Picture of bearded collie in snow
Picture of Snowshoe kitten in snow
Picture of British Shorthair walking in snow
Picture of tabby and white household cat
Picture of
Picture of Polish Lowland Sheepdog, (also known as Nizinny)
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